
类别:文学名著 作者:卡尔维诺 本章:无畏的小乔万尼







































    Dauntless Little John

    tless Little Joraveling about to an inn, ;but if youre not afraid, I  you to a certain palace ;


    quot;People s t of t palace, since nobody o spend t inside.quot;

    So tle Jo pick up a lamp, a bottle, and a sausage, and marcraigo the palace.

    At midnigting at table eating, ;

    quot;Go a; replied Little John.

    Doo ttle John drank a glass of wine.

    t;S do;

    quot;Go a; So anoto ttle Jo into the sausage.

    quot;S do;

    quot;Go a; So dotle Joling a tune.

    quot;S do;

    quot;By all means!quot; And ther arm.

    quot;S do;


    trunk of a body, and tuck onto it, and tood a man  a head.

    quot;S do;

    quot;t do;

    Doo place atop trunk. ruly a giant, and Little Jo;to your ;

    t said, quot;take t;

    Little Jo didnt budge.

    quot;You go first!quot; said t.

    quot;No, after you,quot; insisted Little John.

    quot;After you!quot; t.

    quot;You lead t; yelled Little John.

    So t  first, tle Joing t ter room until taircases was a small door.

    quot;Open it!quot; ordered t.

    quot;You open it!quot; replied Little John.

    So t s open aircase.

    quot;Go on do; directed t.

    quot;After you,quot; anstle John.

    t doeps into a cellar, and t pointed to a stone slab on t;Raise t!quot;

    quot;You raise it!quot; replied Little Jo lifted it as t were a mere pebble.

    Beneats of gold. quot;Carry tairs!quot; ordered t.

    quot;You carry t; anstle Jo carried them up one by one.

    fireplace  said, quot;Little Jo; At t, one of s ;One of ts of gold is for you.quot; An arm came loose and climbed up t;t of gold is for to carry a. quot;t of gold is for t poor man  seated on t;Keep t; trunk separated from t;t; At t, the chimney.

    As soon as it ; to carry off Little Jo tood, at the window, smoking his pipe!

    Dauntless Little Jo s look beened he died.


    quot;Dauntless Little Jo; (Giovannin senza paura)

    I begin ale for e, in contrast to my procedure in all tales, ticular version I follo from taly are all quite similar, I let myself be freely guided by common tradition. Not only for t reason  tale first, but also because it is one of t and, in my vie beautiful folktales.

    Italian tradition s;tale of a Boy  Out to Learn Fearquot; (Grimm no.4) o my no.80. type of tale is of European origin and not found in Asia.

    t traditional, but a personal touco balance ook troke of tis, 22), and it is merely a simplification of ttle Joening s s it on again--back of  he drops dead.

    Copyrigalian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino,

    translated by George Martin,

    Pantheon Books, New York 1980
