Angel Help

类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:Angel Help

    tablet doth include

    Poverty itude.

    Past midnigh spun,

    And yet t half done,

    supply from earnings scant

    A feeble bed-rid parents .

    ion ask

    And ake up task;

    Unseen the rock and spindle ply,

    And do hly drudgery.

    Sleep, saintly poor one! sleep, sleep on;

    And, hey labours done.

    Perc by her dreams;

    the golden gleams,

    Angelic presence testifying,

    t round her everywhere are flying;

    Ostents from which she may presume,

    t muche room.

    Skirting  hey run,

    And to the sunny add more sun:

    No aged face they fix,

    Streaming from the Crucifix;

    t disabusing,

    Death-disarming sleeps infusing,

    Prelibations, foretastes high,

    And equal ts to live or die.

    Gardener bright from Edens bower,

    tend  lily flower;

    to its leaves and root infuse

    heavens sunshine, heavens dews.

    tis a type, and tis a pledge,

    Of a crowning privilege.

    Careful as t lily flower,

    t keep her precious dower;

    Live a sainted Maid, or die

    Martyr to virginity.

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