类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER EIGHT

    IN tISROC  quot;O-of-my-eyes,quot; began ttering t at all as if tisroc  of his eyes.

    quot;May you live for ever, but you terly destroyed me. If you est of t sunrise  taken t you  persuaded me to send first and see if t merely moved round t into better  anchorage.

    And noed. And t of my  reach!

    t; and  many descriptions of Queen  Susan  all nice in print. For of course the false jade was Susan of Narnia.

    quot;Compose yourself, O my son,quot; said tisroc. quot;For ture of guests  makes a  is easily  of a judicious .”

    quot;But I  ; cried t;I must  get ed daug s sleep and my  food y. I must he  barbarian queen.”

    quot; ed poet,quot; observed t dusty condition) from t, quot;t deep draugain of reason are desirable in order to extinguishful love.”

    to exasperate t;Dog,quot; ed, directing a series  of  ters of t;do not dare to quote ts to  me. I  me all day and I can endure t; I am  afraid Aravis did not feel at all sorry for the Vizier.

    tisroc ly sunk in t, but ;My son, by all means desist from kicking tened  Vizier: for as a costly jeains its value even if ion are to be respected even in ts. Desist tell us w you desire and propose.”

    quot;I desire and propose, O my fat; said Rabadas;t you immediately  call out your invincible armies and invade te  it  to your illimitable empire, killing t t .”

    quot;Understand, O my son,quot; said tisroc, quot;t no o open  Narnia.”

    quot;If you  my fatisroc, quot; said teet;I s he word of a coward.”

    quot;And if you  my son, O most inflammable Rabadas; replied ;your life .quot; (these words made Araviss blood run cold.)

    quot;But ime in a mucful voice, quot; punis  o be made into dogsmeat? It is not t provinces. A t in five   is an unseemly blot on ts of your empire.”

    quot;Most undoubtedly,quot; said tisroc. quot;ttle barbarian countries t  call to say, idle, disordered, and unprofitable) are  eful to to all persons of discernment.”

    quot;to remain thus long  unsubdued?”

    quot;Kno;t until ted fatary and unending reign, t powerful encress.”

    quot;t; ans;But I  kno tress is dead. And t Narnia  is now wful, and delicious.”

    quot;And t learned Prince, less been brougo pass  by tations of themselves kings  and queens of Narnia.”

    quot;I am rat; said Rabadas;t it  by teration of tars and tion of natural causes.”

    quot;All t; said tisroc, quot;is a question for tations of learned  men. I  so great an alteration, and tress, ed  trong magic. And suco be expected in t  land, s t talk like men, and  monsters t are . It is commonly reported t tterly reject) is supported by a demon of  and  irresistible maleficence ful enterprise, and I am determined not to put my   fart back.”

    quot;; said t;on  oion! Yet as  table and sapient tisroc  is very grievous to be constrained to keep  our y dised  poet  at t Aa noticed an impatient movement of toe and became suddenly  silent.

    quot;It is very grievous,quot; said tisroc in  voice. quot;Every  morning t my sleep is t Narnia is still free.”

    quot;O my fat; said Rabadas;retc your arm to take Narnia and yet dra back untempt prove  unfortunate?”

    quot;If you can s, O Rabadas; said tisroc, quot;you  of sons.”

    quot; and in take but t so all men t you kno tes of King Lunes castle  of Anvard in Arc peace ake  Anvard before tirred to Cair Paravel. t be t t ts on  likely es, and ride in. I sesy and spill as little Narnian blood as I can. And  to  sit till ts in, crayed bird  as ss foot aso to  Anvard?”

    quot;But is it not probable, O my son,quot; said tisroc, quot;t at taking of  ther King Edmund or you will lose his life?”

    quot;t; said Rabadas;and I en of my  men to disarm and bind raining my ve desire for   the high King.”

    quot;And  Cair Paravel before you?”

    quot;I do not look for t her.”

    quot;And lastly, O my resourceful son,quot; said tisroc, quot;you  give you t not  o throwing of Narnia.”

    quot;O my fat  t e of Narnia, and your garrison in  Anvard can be increased by little and little till it is a great .”

    quot;It is spoken anding and foresig his miscarries?”

    quot;You s I, did it  your kno your  your blessing, being constrained by tuosity of youth.”

    quot;And  er?”

    quot;O my fat . For ted ter is a man of prudence and understanding  age of being allied to our  hrone of Calormen.”

    quot; see t if I live for ever as is no doubt your isroc in an even drier voice than usual.

    quot;And also, O my fat of my eyes,quot; said ter a moment of a;ters as if from to say t  so return to Narnia. For it is  ers, t dare to come to taso fetch her.”

    quot;O enlig; said tisroc, quot;bestorange proposal.”

    quot;O eternal tisroc,quot; ans;trengternal affection is  not unknoo me and I en  sons are in to unfold to you my mind in a  matter wed Prince?”

    quot;Undoubtedly you ; replied tisroc.

    quot;Because you  t doing so are at least  equally great.”

    quot;to o obey,quot; moaned tc;Kno  reasonable tisroc, in t place, t t altoget as might appear.

    For t of discretion, as  t try is not, like ours, full of c is all  of love and o terprise as t; For t t;madquot;, had kicked  him again.

    quot;Desist, O my son,quot; said tisroc. quot;And you, estimable Vizier, , by no means alloo be interrupted. For  notable to persons of gravity and decorum to endure minor  inconveniences ancy.”

    quot;to o obey,quot; said ttle so  as to get s furtoe. quot;Not estimable, in ttempt,  especially because it is undertaken for tune  fell into t kill  may even be, t to

    carry off t t of  valour and of tremity  of  incline  to him.”

    quot;t is a good point, old babbler,quot; said Rabadas;Very good,   came into your ugly head.”

    quot;ters is t of my eyes,quot; said Aa. quot;And  secondly, O tisroc,   is very likely t Anvard o t.”

    t t t last tisroc spoke.

    quot;Go, my son,quot; ;And do as you  expect no enance from me. I  avenge you if you are killed and I  deliver you  if t you into prison. And if, eit, my favour  s brot, secret, and fortunate. May trengtasible be in your sword and lance.”

    quot;to o obey,quot; cried Rabadaser kneeling for a moment to  kiss ly to tment of Aravis, wisroc and Vizier remained.

    quot;O Vizier,quot; said tisroc, quot;is it certain t no living soul knoonight?”

    quot;O my master,quot; said Aa, quot;it is not possible t any s very reason I proposed, and you in your  we s o come.”

    quot;It is ; said tisroc. quot;If any man kneo it t  Vizier, forget it. I sponge  a my kno, I kno ion of youtoniso  Anvard is in his hands.”

    quot;to o obey,quot; said Aa.

    quot;t is  I am t ed of fat-born son on an errand so likely to be  must be to you o ttom  of your mind.”

    quot;O impeccable tisroc,quot; said t;In comparison er nor t of the sun.”

    quot;Your sentiments,quot; said tisroc, quot;are elevated and correct. I also love  none of trengter Narnia. If een oter t sons of kings, o be dangerous. More tisrocs in tasime  because t sons, enligired of ing for tter cool  in inaction   Vizier, ternal anxiety inclines me to sleep. Command to my  c before you lie doe for t prognostics of indigestion.”

    quot;to o obey,quot; said to t out. Even tisroc remained seated in  silence on till Aravis almost began to be afraid t   at last  creaking and sigo to precede s, and  out. totally dark, and the freely again.

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