One summer nigan troopers under ton, broke te Friars  Sligo. As ttle knot of friars, gat tar, te s glimmering in teady lig t, ar steps  brazen crucifix in  ton, but none stirred, for all s, and feared te ligar troopers up on to roof and roopers moved about, tastic dance among tablets. For a little roopers ed ts, and s doery of tar ligroopers took courage and began to strike. In a moment t tar steps, te s stained  fire to ton, and at  out, and came in again carrying a ra against tern roopers ed foraking eac traongues of fire ruso corbel and from tablet to tablet, and crept along tting in a blaze ts and bencroopers fell back tocher.

    For a time tar stood safe and apart in t of its urned upon it.

    t ood before it ed in boto all  of teps of tar. t it drove troopers out into the open air.

    Before ted s and martyrs, arance, into an angry and animated life. troopers s and martyrs. Presently,  ed Iriso raise against you try about Manor on, and if you do not stop t between Ben Bulben and Cashel?na?Gael.

    Sir Frederick on called to roopers  quickly, and ride toain, and get before them.

    In a moment troopers s t o ten track t rees mingled above, and , leaving t complete darkness. t a rapid trot, noing togetcray  scuttling aogeto talk rapidly; told o see urn safe from tion against te Friars, and to une  of ted ,  curn, and tle  talking at all. Suddenly topped, and t rembling. I sa I do not kno it may  looked like a great  o  to cross  remembering t  it doain it  a s many about us, and of very strange kinds. t  of tting ttle to talk again. ttles against many a rebel togetold eacory of ts trongest of all felloerrible solitude of the woods.

    Suddenly t till, and  of er, and t it ed, and after mucugging and coaxing brougo t of ter stood a tall old ood up to er, and stooped from time to time as tly t s ed. t a flickering lig, and t it  it, an eddy of turned toroopers recognised at t ood dumb and motionless o speak, saying slowly and loudly: Did you see my son? he crown.

    t of troopers,  often rut fear tan, and  ruso ter. In a moment urned. t o air and er hing.

    troopers remounted, and set t t all to no purpose. tried again and again, and  plunging  us, said trooper, ride back a little into trike triking against teel caps. After about ty minutes riding t again upon ter anoten minutes found a place o cross  sinking beloirrups. t into long streams. to drive t treams of ligo be dancing a grotesque dance among ttered busrees. tops of trees began also to moan, and t roopers remembered t tells ory are spitted upon ts of trees and upon ts of turned a little to t t strike ten pat trace of it.

    Meano be aant music. It o  joy. It came from ttom of a deep, cup?like  of t beside a fire of sticks, and orc into t , and played an old bagpipe furiously.  upon a rock. Did you see my wife? ; she was washing! she was washing!

    I am afraid of rooper, I fear rooper, o be our guide; and at t ood in a ring round ted t rooper told  t kill t mountain spur t is called Cas  get up before one of t turned, and pointed to a neigree, and te ted, bridled, and saddled. aking torc upon tarted off before them, as hard as he could go.

    to slope up toain. t, and ttle ars  every last top of tain. t mile after mile beloo t up to before and above ttle ing up did not orc, Look; look at t a gallop, orc of your  of troopers t ttle of  noo slope more and more, and t by moment. tried to pull up, but in vain, for to o te  an immense distance belo t is no up into t later five men and  t of the rocks.

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