类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:2


    e noe; who can advise, may speak.

    erd King

    Stood up, trongest and t Spirit

    t fought in heavn; now fiercer by despair: [ 45 ]

    rust ernal to be deemd

    Equal in strengthen be less

    Cared not to be at all;  care lost

    ent all his fear: of God, or hell, or worse

    , and ter spake. [ 50 ]

    My sentence is for open arr: Of iles,

    More unexpert, I boast not: t those

    Contrive w now.

    For riving, s,

    Millions t stand in Arms, and longing  [ 55 ]

    to ascend, sit lingring here

    ives, and for thir dwelling place

    Accept this dark opprobrious Den of shame,

    tyranny who Reigns

    By our delay? no, let us rather choose [ 60 ]

    Armd  once

    Ore oo force resistless way,

    turning our tortures into horrid Arms

    Against torturer;  the noise

    Of y Engin he shall hear [ 65 ]

    Infernal tning see

    Black fire and  h equal rage

    Among  self

    Mixt artarean Sulprange fire,

    ed torments. But perhaps [ 70 ]

    t and steep to scale

    it  a higher foe.

    Let suche sleepy drench

    Of t forgetful Lake benumm not still,

    t in our proper motion we ascend [ 75 ]

    Up to our native seat: descent and fall

    to us is adverse.  felt of late

    he fierce Foe hung on our brokn Rear

    Insulting, and pursud us the Deep,

    it compulsion and laborious flight [ 80 ]

    e sunk t is easie then;

    t is feard; should we again provoke

    Our stronger, some worse way h may find

    to our destruction: if there be in hell

    Fear to be royd: w can be worse [ 85 ]

    to dwell  from bliss, condemnd

    In to utter woe;

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