类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:5

    arr therefore, open or conceald, alike

    My voice disswades; for w can force or guile

    ith him, or who deceive his mind, whose eye

    Vie one view? h [ 190 ]

    All tions vain, sees and derides;

    Not more Almigo resist our might

    to frustrate all our plots and wiles.

    She race of heavn

    trampld, to suffer here [ 195 ]

    Corments? better then worse

    By my advice; since fate inevitable

    Subdues us, and Omnipotent Decree

    tors o suffer, as to doe,

    Our strengt [ 200 ]

    t so ordains: t first resolvd,

    If  so great a foe

    Contending, and so doubtful  fall.

    I laug the Spear are bold

    And ventrous, if t fail them, shrink and fear [ 205 ]

    yet t folloo endure

    Exile, or ignominy, or bonds, or pain,

    tence of this is now

    Our doom; wain and bear,

    Our Supream Foe in time may muc [ 210 ]

    hus farr removd

    Not mind us not offending, satisfid

    it is punishese raging fires

    ill slackn, if ir not thir flames.

    Our purer essence then will overcome [ 215 ]

    t feel,

    Or c lengto the place conformd

    In temper and in nature, will receive

    Familiar t, and void of pain;

    t, [ 220 ]

    Besides w

    Of future dayes may bring, w c change

    orting, since our present lot appeers

    For  ill, for ill not ,

    If  to our selves more woe. [ 225 ]

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