类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:6

    Say heavnly Powers, where shall we find such love,

    al to redeem

    Mans mortal crime, and just t to save, [ 215 ]

    Dwels in all ie so deare?

    all tood mute,

    And silence was in heavn: on mans behalf

    Patron or Intercessor none appeerd,

    Muc durst upon his own head draw [ 220 ]

    ture, and ransom set.

    And no redemption all mankind

    Must , adjudgd to Death and hell

    By doom severe,  the Son of God,

    In whe fulness dwells of love divine, [ 225 ]

    mediation thus renewd.

    Fat, man shall find grace;

    And s find means, t finds her way,

    t of thy winged messengers,

    to visit all tures, and to all [ 230 ]

    Comes unprevented, unimplord, unsought,

    happie for man, so coming; he her aide

    Can never seek, once dead in sins and lost;

    Attonement for ,

    Indebted and undon, o bring: [ 235 ]

    Behen, mee for him, life for life

    I offer, on mee let thine anger fall;

    Account mee man; I for his sake will leave

    t to thee

    Freely put off, and for ly dye [ 240 ]

    ell pleasd, on me let Death wreck all his rage;

    Under  long

    Lie vanquis givn me to possess

    Life in my self for ever, by thee I live,

    to Death I yield, and am his due [ 245 ]

    All t of me can die, yet t debt paid,

    t not leave me in thsom grave

    ted Soule

    For ever ion to dwell;

    But I sorious, and subdue [ 250 ]

    My Vanquised spoile;


    Inglorious, of al sting disarmd.

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