类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:14

    to satisfie the sharp desire I had

    Of tasting those fair Apples, I resolvd [ 585 ]

    Not to deferr;  at once,

    Po t

    Of t alluring fruit, urgd me so keene.

    About trunk I wound me soon,

    For he branches would require [ 590 ]

    tmost reacree

    All ots t sah like desire

    Longing and envying stood, but could not reach.

    Amid tree no, wy hung

    tempting so nigo pluck and eat my fill [ 595 ]

    I spard not, for sucill t hour

    At Feed or Fountain never had I found.

    Sated at lengt perceave

    Strange alteration in me, to degree

    Of Reason in my inward Powers, and Speech [ 600 ]

    anted not long, to taind.

    to Speculations high or deep

    I turnd my ts, and h capacious mind

    Considerd all things visible in heavn,

    Or Earthings fair and good; [ 605 ]

    But all t fair and good in thy Divine

    Semblance, and in ties heavnly Ray

    United I beo thine

    Equivalent or second, which compeld

    Mee tune pero come [ 610 ]

    And gaze, and wors declard

    Sovran of Creatures, universal Dame.

    So talkd ted sly Snake; and Eve

    Yet more amazd unhus replyd.

    Serpent, t [ 615 ]

    tue of t Fruit, in t provd:

    But say, wree, from hence how far?

    For many are trees of God t grow

    In Paradise, and various, yet unknown

    to us, in such abundance lies our choice, [ 620 ]

    As leaves a greater store of Fruit untoucht,

    Still ible, till men

    Groo thir provision, and more hands

    o disburden Nature of h.

    to whe and glad. [ 625 ]

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