The Ballad of the Sad Café-5

类别:文学名著 作者:卡森·麦卡勒斯 本章:The Ballad of the Sad Café-5

    to speak. quot;o catc;

    ttle fingers and ate somet aste. It  even proper snuff  a mixture of sugar and cocoa. took, ting a little  beneatly into tongue w grimace come over his face.

    quot;teetasted sour to me,quot; ion. quot;t is take t snuff.quot;

    till clustered around, feeling someion never quite  it empered by anotimacy in tivity. No evening  Calvert . M. illin, Rosser Cline, Rip ellborn,  for Reverend illin, taken pleasure from somet and suffered in some  of tractable unless exasperated. Eac en dollars or t afternoon, for it urday. So, for t, them as a whole.

    ting t in ably settled o c ions suco in an average  cetera -- picking o inquiries imate. Soon too fetcooed into tore, stole a box of animal crackers, and made off very quietly. So t yet opened her office door.

    type of person   sets  from otinct  to establise and vital contact betype. ore e contact ablisoing and talking t guano sack for countless evenings. toget t it urday nig for t gladness in tore. tension, also, partly because of ty of tuation and because Miss Amelia ill closed off in  yet made her appearance.

    S t evening at ten oclock. And ting some drama at rance ed. Sreak of ink on one side of ted t o notice noto tting, and for a moment lingered t of tore sh only a peaceable surprise.

    quot;Does anyone  ing on?quot; sly.

    tomers, because it urday niged liquor. Noo bottles back by till. t sook tomers and counted it beneat lig after t  ordinary. Al o go around to t your bottle tcransaction. After getting omer o t. Or, if   in to come back around to t porcore and guzzle treet. Noreet before it y of Miss Amelia, and no mistake about it -- but s regard t t door and took in tire inside of to be opened or drunk by anyone but  time s to tc  back ttles into t store. More t s tably in a platter on ter and anyone wake one free.

    So no one but t ;Cousin Lymon, ove?quot;

    quot;If you please, Amelia,quot; t time o address Miss Amelia by  a title of respect? -- Certainly not en days. In fact, not since ttle, o address ;If you please, Ill  ;

    No . Recall t t ertime, and to  around ty outside  inside ttled up tove in t bottles ss of licorice, a Neill a novelty and  in, togetra c ter or made table on barrels and sacks. Nor did tiousness, indecent giggles, or misbesoever. On trary te even to t of a certain timidness. For people in too gatoget to ing -- and t is a pleasure, tention of to s into you a keen fear of ty. But t of a café is altoget. Even t, greediest old rascal  tefully and pinc in a dainty and modest manner. For tmospies: felloions of tain gaiety and grace of beold to tore t nig t of til t time own.

    Noood most of to tc ticed c  on, but most of time ened lonesomely on trutted about tore, eating from  once sour and agreeable. ood, t from tove cast a glo  brigo be looking iny, and uncertain joy.  so firmly set as usual, and sen. y ing.  nighe lover.

    to an end at midnigo everyone else in a friendly fas t door of  forgot to bolt it. Soon everytreet s tores, to -- . And so ended ts in  of the café.

    Noime must pass. For t four years are muc c t about bit by bit, in simple steps o be important. tinued to live o sell ables ore. tomers every evening, and on Saturday a great croo serve fried catfis fifteen cents a plate. to buying a fine mecore no longer, but ed into a proper café, open every evening from six until twelve oclock.

    Eac tairs ly of turnip greens, as Miss Amelia rubbed  and morning  liquor to give rengto a point beyond reason, but noto strengt of ill s and overalls, but on Sunday s on a dark red dress t  peculiar fasly cill loved a fierce la, but s so quick to c o exact cruel payments. Because tremely sociable, s about a little -- to revivals, to funerals, and so fortoring self proved profitable and he only place of pleasure for many miles around.

    So for t regard ted viesteps  out for to . See ties -- anding by and doing absolutely not quick to point out any laziness among tumn afternoons t on teps c back in ter cypress is a deep black green, rees tretcer see Miss Amelia bend doo let Cousin Lymon scramble on tled on o o  and treated Cousin Lymon to a picture-so some distant fair or cockfigook a passionate deligacles. Of course, ten sit for ogetairs. For t nigo lie looking into t leave o suffer  It may even be reasoned t t mainly on t; it  broug . So compose from suc let it rest.

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