The Ballad of the Sad Café-6

类别:文学名著 作者:卡森·麦卡勒斯 本章:The Ballad of the Sad Café-6

    Noion is due for all time o speak about love. For Miss Amelia loved Cousin Lymon. So muco everyone. toget. to Mrs. MacPy-nosed old busybody ure from one part of t room to anoto o certain oted, t and second cousins, and even t could in no  tall -- and Cousin Lymon a tle o . But so mucter for Mrs. Stumpy MacPions  t t if tion of t ter concerning t ture -- and t top.  sort of this love?

    First of all, love is a joint experience bet t t it is a joint experience does not mean t it is a similar experience to t t countries. Often timulus for all tored-up love ime o. And some ary to knorange loneliness and it is to do.

    create for ense and strange, complete in  it be added  t ure on th.

    Noion. t outlandisimulus for love. A man may be a doddering great-grandfatill love only a strange girl reets of Cernoon t. treaco evil s. Yes, and t t does not affect tion of . A most mediocre person can be t of a love , and beautiful as timulus for a love bot and debased, or a jabbering madman may bring about in tender and simple idyll. ty of any love is determined solely by the lover himself.

    It is for t most of us  everyone s to be t trut, in a deep secret ate of being be loved is intolerable to many. tes t of reasons. For trying to strip bare ion his experience can cause him only pain.

    It ioned before t Miss Amelia  as ed for at t Remember t it all  it act, before to his phenomenon -- love.

    to is no tores instead of trees along treet een years old at time, and o t time a loom-fixer named Marvin Macy. o kno t man in t one incall, co a picture of a erfall. From t of vieunate felloo no one and al just  from a more serious and tful vie Marvin Macy  a person to be envied, for er. ation   of any young man in ty. For years, ed ear of a man . ails of squirrels in t to please   o tempt to in spite of ation  time several young girls ender s little buttocks and cle young girls  ty-t solitary, gangling, queer-eyed girl   solely out of love.

    And love cime ioned if suc and soul. Yet tion for ter, for Marvin Macy ed cs could s at all; ts o t nig t kno to seek t corner of try to  ttle  speak, not even to eacs altoget to to  t t a too let : t c years old, o Cook a freigrain some into t amongst to around from one kitco anote ter time. t to a oed well.

    But ts of small ce organs. A cruel beginning in t to curious s of a  c forever after is ted as t of sucer and sil it is a misery to carry  by t ordinary t is o  and gentlest man in tounate, and in to care for ts  turday nig  and suffers. Marvin Macy, o be bold and fearless and cruel.  turned tougan, and until time o  srouble.

    But love reversed ter of Marvin Macy. For ty gray. ely. o er mot. Moreover,  toended c at all religious meetings. rained o rise and give o a lady, and  sion and improved er in every  to Miss Amelia, carrying a buncterlins, and a silver ring -- t night Marvin Macy declared himself.

    And Miss Amelia married er everyone o get s. Ot came about t-aunt in Cerrible old  steps doin and at least ter afternoon and t a curious gloar. As t making an odd gesture -- s in  ient, bored, and exasperated. At last  taking t  least two paces ahead of him.

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