类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:12

    tful consultations dark

    Ended rejoycing in tchless Chief:

    As ops the dusky clouds

    Ascending, wh wind sleeps, Orespread

    [ 490 ]

    Scoskip Snow, or showre;

    If c Sun

    Extend he fields revive,

    tes reneing herds

    Attest t hill and valley rings. [ 495 ]

    O so men! Devil h Devil damnd

    Firm concord holds, men onely disagree

    Of Creatures rational, though under hope

    Of heavenly Grace; and God proclaiming peace,

    Yet live in red, enmity, and strife [ 500 ]

    Among themselves, and levie cruel warres,

    asting to destroy:

    As if (o accord)

    Man  hellish foes anow besides,

    t day and nigruction e. [ 505 ]

    tygian Counsel th

    In order came the grand infernal Peers:

    Midst came ty Paramount, and seemd

    Alone tagonist of heavn, nor less

    th pomp Supream, [ 510 ]

    And God-like imitated State; him round

    A Globe of fierie Seraphim inclosd

    it imblazonrie, and  Arms.

    they bid cry

    itrumpets regal sound t result: [ 515 ]

    tohe four winds four speedy Cherubim

    Put to the sounding Alchymie

    By he hollow Abyss

    of hell

    it, returnd them loud acclaim. [ 520 ]

    t ease t raisd

    By false presumptuous he ranged powers

    Disband, and wandring, each his several way

    Pursues, as inclination or sad choice

    Leads , w find [ 525 ]

    truce to less ts, and entertain

    till  Curn.

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