类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:13

    Part on the Air sublime

    Upon t Race contend,

    As at thian fields; [ 530 ]

    Part curb teeds, or she Goal

    ited Brigads form.

    As ies warr appears

    agd in troubld Skie, and Armies rush

    to Battel in the Clouds, before each Van [ 535 ]

    Prick forts, and couchir Spears

    till t Legions close; s of Arms

    From eithe welkin burns.

    Ot typh?an rage more fell

    Rend up bothe Air [ 540 ]

    In whe wilde uproar.

    As when Alcides from Oechalia Crownd

    it, felt tore

    ts thessalian Pines,

    And Licop of Oeta threw [ 545 ]

    Into thers more milde,

    Retreated in a silent valley, sing

    ites Angelical to many a harp

    thir own heroic deeds and hapless fall

    By doom of Battel; and complain t Fate [ 550 ]

    Free Vertue so Force or Chance.

    tial, but the harmony

    ( could it less al sing?)

    Suspended ook

    t [ 555 ]

    (For Eloquence the Sense,)

    Ot sat on a ird,

    In ts more elevate, and reasond high

    Of Providence, Foreknoe,

    Fixt Fate, free e, [ 560 ]

    And found no end, in .

    Of good and evil muchen,

    Of happiness and final misery,

    Passion and Apathie, and glory and shame,

    Vain wisdom all, and false Philosophie: [ 565 ]

    Yet h a pleasing sorcerie could charm

    Pain for a we


    itubborn patience as riple steel.

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