类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:5

    to wh shame nigh overwhelmd,

    Confessing soon, yet not before her Judge [ 160 ]

    Bold or loquacious, t replid.

    t me beguild and I did eate.


    to Judgement h accusd

    Serpent te, unable to transferre [ 165 ]

    t on rument

    Of misced from the end

    Of ion; justly t,

    As vitiated in Nature: more to know

    Concernd not Man (since her knew) [ 170 ]

    Nor alterd  God at last

    to Satan first in sin his doom applyd

    terious terms, judgd as t:

    And on t t fall.

    Because t done t accurst [ 175 ]

    Above all Cattle, eac of the Field;

    Upon t goe,

    And dust s eat all thy Life.


    Enmitie, and bethine and her Seed; [ 180 ]

    hou bruise his heel.

    So spake then verifid

    hen Jesus son of Mary second Eve,

    Saan fall like Lightning down from heavn,

    Prince of then rising from his Grave [ 185 ]

    Spoild Principalities and Poriumpht

    In open sion bright

    Captivity led captive the Aire,

    t self of Satan long usurpt,

    read at last under our feet; [ 190 ]

    Eevn old al bruise,

    And to tence turnd.

    tly multiplie

    By tion; C bring

    In sorroo thy husbands will [ 195 ]

    t, hee shall rule.

    On Adam last t he pronouncd.

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