类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:6

    Because t o thy ife,

    And eaten of tree concerning which

    I c not eate thereof, [ 200 ]

    Cursd is thou in sorrow

    S eate thy Life;

    tles it sh

    Unbid, and t eate th Field,

    In t of t t Bread, [ 205 ]

    till turn unto thou

    Out of t taken, knoh,

    For dust t, and s to dust returne.

    So judgd ,

    And tant stroke of Deat t day [ 210 ]

    Removd farr off; ttying ood

    Before o t now

    Must suffer c to begin

    t to assume,

    As  so now [ 215 ]

    As Father of his Familie he clad

    ts, or slain,

    Or as te repaid;

    And t not muco cloath his Enemies:

    Nor he Skins [ 220 ]

    Of Beasts, but inward nakedness, much more

    Opprobrious, eousness,

    Araying coverd from .

    to  ascent urnd,

    Into his blissful bosom reassumd [ 225 ]

    In glory as of old, to him appeasd

    All, t  h Man

    Recounted, mixing intercession s.


    ites of e Sin and Death, [ 230 ]

    In counterviees, t now

    Stood open wide, belcrageous flame

    Farr into Chrough,

    Sin opening, h began.

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